Monday Workshop

The One Act Playwriting Workshop is a quick dive into how to write a short 15 minute or less one act play or scene. Students will look at how to start writing a play, creating the scene, and building characters. By the end of the fourth class each student will have completed their one act scene and will read and share their work out loud as a class during the last two Mondays. 

Age: 14-18yrs  
Cost: $40
Date: February 3rd-March 24th (class will not meet February 17 & March 10)
Day: Mondays
Time: 5:15-6pm
What To Bring: Spiral & Pencil

Three-Day Workshop

No prior experience is required for this three-day workshop! Come enjoy a relaxing, comfortable, and encouraging environment learning techniques, movements and Polynesian culture through dance.

Age: Ladies Of All Ages (ages 8 and younger must register and attend with a supervising adult)
Cost: $50 Per Person, $75 Family Pair
Date: June 24-26
Day: Tuesday-Thursday
Time: 5:30-7:30pm
What To Wear: Leggings, T-Shirt, Bare Feet